La Cooperativa de Electricidad La Paz informa que este miércoles 6 de enero realizará un corte programado de energía por regulacion de tensión en zona rural en horario de 6 a 6:30 hs.

Los usuarios afectados serán de . San Gustavo, Ombu, San Ramirez, Estacas, Picada Beron, y Las Colonias.

Comunicación y Difusión CELP

Categorías: Noticias

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Phone Tracker Free · 28 marzo, 2024 en 5:09 pm

Some private photo files you delete on your phone, even if they are permanently deleted, may be retrieved by others.

Phone Tracker Free · 31 marzo, 2024 en 2:38 am

What should I do if I have doubts about my partner, such as monitoring the partner’s mobile phone? With the popularity of smart phones, there are now more convenient ways. Through the mobile phone monitoring software, you can remotely take pictures, monitor, record, take real – Time screenshots, real – Time voice, and view mobile phone screens.

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